You Vote: Will Knowledge Save the World?

Deborah Cutting
5 min readDec 17, 2020
Markus Spiske from Pexels

The troubles of our planet are beyond the bubble and squeak strategies of political, scientific, and technological intervention. Knowledge is the way.

In my adventures along the spiritual path I’ve discovered the tendency to play the game of ‘hide and seek’. Where I knowingly ‘hide’ the things I’m not ready to face, sometimes in plain view, and then just pretend to seek them out through various means.

I don’t think I’m the only one who plays this game!

It’s a fairly wasteful and superficial activity that only leads to temporary gain and has little to no integrating effect, yet, for a while, it’s easy and self-comforting.

Inevitably though, at critical points, there’s a confrontation with those shadows we’re yet to fully face. Not just the ones in our own closet but those that humanity tries to deny.

We can all sense our inner rooms are haunted and that crisis point is upon us, but do we continue to play silly games, or do we choose responsibility — ‘response-ability’?

For the last four years, I’ve really struggled to find my place and contribution to the world. I guess you could say I fell from a high. I’d previously created a special mission for myself to fill that pit and longing for something more.

I was walking the world for love. Walking in as many countries as possible to promote love and encourage others to extend their heart. It was by far the most satisfying and fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. Hard work too.

But then I ran out of money and the walking stopped. I moved to Germany, got married, tried to learn the language, and find a new path. It sounds like a great life, but midlife struck (that’s a whole other story!).

Ideas flooded in and I changed my game to ‘hop, skip and jump’ from one endeavor to another. I put a tonne of effort into each project at the start and then I waned as time went on when I couldn’t see sufficient results. Consequently, I didn’t gain any traction or real success with anything.

What I did gain though was the time and space to start a new spiritual program called ‘Steps to Knowledge’.

Through this program, I’ve strengthened, confronted the many figments of my separated mind, awakened to reality at a deeper level, recognized my true purpose, and grown the essential relationship for the successful navigation of, and full participation and harmony with life.

Including learning that all the so-called enemies in the world are actually friends who are confused and not yet able to respond to Spirit.

One's ability to respond to Spirit is the true meaning of responsibility.

Humanity has a great responsibility, particularly now and as we move closer to the tipping point of planetary disaster. It’s very clear that we can no longer afford to play ‘hide and seek’ or ‘hop, skip and jump’ in our attempts to address the escalating issues confronting humanity.

I’m a deeply sensitive person and lately, I’ve experienced a great deal of concern and shed a hearty flow of tears after watching a few documentaries highlighting both the problems and possible solutions to the emerging crises.

One such documentary called “Fine-tuning the Climate’ explores some of the radical interventions and technologies of geoengineering. Strategies under current research include for example,

  • pulling CO2 from the atmosphere, plugging it up and sinking it underground or in the deep sea,
  • dumping millions of tonnes of sulfur every year into the stratosphere to deflect sunlight,
  • implementing extensive cloud manipulation to either brighten clouds for solar radiation management or seeding them to change the amount or type of precipitation,
  • enhancing ocean alkalinity,
  • engineering oceanic currents to create artificial upwellings or downwellings,
  • pouring an iron fertilizer into the oceans to stimulate algae growth.

It really struck me how our accumulative lack of response-ability (responsibility) is feeding scientific madness in the race to be the hero of the planet.

Most of these radical and short-sighted strategies are a repetition of the same, same but different mistakes we’ve been making for the last century or more.

We must protect and maintain our resources, and not experiment with extremely costly, outlandish ideas that any human with an ounce of wisdom can see the folly of.

Have we really learned nothing?

Our history has already repeatedly demonstrated that we have a great need for Higher Knowledge and Wisdom. Must we really go through this again? Are we really that insane to replay the same errors over and over and expect a different result?

I’m all for innovation, research, and technology that truly serves but as a species we’ve already caused far too many problems putting us on the brink of no return to leave implementing such ultraist solutions to those incapable of incorporating real Knowledge and Wisdom.

The great necessity facing us all now is the need to mature.

A lack of response-ability is due to a lack of preparation, and a lack of preparation leads to panic, extreme behavior, and ill-considered decisions with severe consequences.

Response-ability requires a still mind which takes practice and time to develop. In stillness, conflict ceases, all things can be known, and Knowledge is allowed to provide direction. Thus correct action in the world can be taken.

In all other circumstances, we’re merely hoping for the best.

We’re all fallible and prone to error so those who are governed by a greater spiritual authority and strengthened to minimize mediating, controlling, and corrupt influences are the best candidates to assess proposed global interventions. These individuals are needed for their wisdom and ability to unite and forsake personal freedoms and desires for the stability and well-being of the world.

It requires real Knowledge to accurately advise our political, economic, and scientific leaders. Those who have connection and access to Higher Spiritual Intelligence and can apply refined wisdom are most suited to the assignment of a role within a United Knowledge Council.

One could argue that the United Nations is already performing this greater utilitarian role, but that is a governmental council, not a spiritual one.

A United Knowledge Council offers a sensible and higher layer of protection. Its role would be to advise global leaders and approve global decisions. The Council would be elected by the people from candidates who meet specific criteria such as:

  • be a known, well-respected, and sought-after leader of a spiritual community,
  • be free of major commercial and political affiliations,
  • carry love for the world and all people and creatures in it,
  • be available to advise any political body on global decisions,
  • be free to represent a united force for the good of all earthlings and the planet.

The Council must be representative of native groups, spiritual communities, and religious organizations alike.

It’s a group of true spiritual leaders who have the capacity and well-developed right order relationships to successfully navigate the slew of desperate attempts to mitigate the upcoming global crises and provide a greatly needed higher perspective.

Anybody on the spiritual path can share a story of how well things worked out when they listened to and followed Spirit (Knowledge). Knowledge is the only clear solution to our lives, freedom, and the sustainability of our future.

For sure it makes sense and provides the only real certainty to our decisions. Decisions that would otherwise expose us to great threat and loss.

Would you vote for a United Knowledge Council? Please add your vote to the responses.

